Tuesday 10 June 2014

FAQ: Setting the record straight

FIFA is a non-profit organisation which shares the success of the FIFA World Cup™ with the global football community to develop the game from grassroots up and to spread positive values on and off the pitch.

Ensuring that the World Cup has a positive impact on the host country is crucial and FIFA runs a variety of activities to contribute to a positive and lasting football, environmental, economic and social legacy.

Staging a global sporting event is a complicated and challenging process for FIFA and the host nation and it can spark criticism and national debate.

Some of that criticism is fair, and FIFA always seeks to listen and learn how to do things better. But some of that criticism is unfair and even based on a misrepresentation of the facts.

The PDF document FAQ: Setting the record straight seeks to clarify some of these misconceptions to promote a greater understanding among the public about Brazil 2014.

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